24. Idioms W4


It’s week 4 today and I’ve done my idioms + define. I googled the meaning for them so I can match up the idioms with the definition, and so it can make more sense.

I think I’ve done a good job with my mahi.

I’m gon log, I hope you enjoyed.

24. Idioms – Week 3


This is my work of the ‘Idioms’ template on our class sites page.

This is my thinking of week three’s idioms — the words and meaning. So basically I had to use my mouse to drag the define to the idioms, to show what I think that idiom means. Personally, I enjoy doing this mahi weekly!

Bye. Thanks for reading. Comment what you think. 👇

24. Reading Response – Ships Caption, by Fraser Smith

Kia ora! This is my Reading Response of the book my reading group is browsing through about. In the past few weeks (1 or 2 I think.), we’ve been reading Ships Caption and studying about some meanings in the book.

Comment what I should improve.

I hope you liked my mahi. Bye!

24. Idioms — Term 2 Week 2

Kia ora, this is my work of idioms.

Like how I’ve mentioned on my other blog, I had to guess what word (the purple one above the table in my work.) belonged to what.

I did Google it however, because it was allowed, so that’s why I know the definition of these idioms.


Thank you for viewing my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.

24. Prefix – Bi (Term 2)

Kia ora.

As you can see in the image/Mahi, our new prefix is bi.

Like before, I had to match the grey boxes with sentences in’it, towards the words aside that begins with (prefix).

I matched the words and aligned them together — with the word + definition. 

The meaning of bi is –  things that are double, twin, couple, two, anything that’s associated with double things. (I think!)


Ask me any questions about my work, or what I could improve.



I hope you enjoyed my blog.  :)))

24. Term 2 Idioms

Kia ora.


This is my work of ‘Idioms’. On my Mahi, I had to match those words that are over long grey rectangles, with the words placed in the white box.

The words in the white box are the words that has a meaning. The one in the grey box is the one that explains the meanings of them — as if referring to, the white box. Looking back on my Mahi, there are purple words seen above, saying vinegar, top, hackles, you, and wall. those are possible answers that I used on the white box aside.



I hope you esteemed my blog!!

God bless, I hope you🫵 have a wonderful day.  ✨

24. Term 2 DLO Maths

Kia ora!

This is my work of DLO maths. WALA “Family of factors’.

I did a collaboration with my classmates.

On the bottom right of the mahi, is my example of ‘family of factors’.


So, Just to inform you, a family of factors is basically — for example: “factor x FACTOR = product, and FACTOR x factor = product. Then we turn by Product ➗ factor = FACTOR and Product ➗ FACTOR = factor” therefore, here is a visual example:  9 x 7 = 63 then switch it around — 7 x 9 = 63. As you can see, it’s still the same answer the other way around? As if I were to say 63 ➗ 9 = 7 and 63 ➗ 7 = 9.  Did you see how the 7 and 9 switch places on the 63➗ example? Yeah, that’s what a family of factors are in maths.




24. Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Team 15


Kia ora!

On Wednesday, our teacher told us about the school we are joining to do Tui Atu Tuhi Mai  – also known as something you do —  comment on others(other students) blogs from separate/different schools around the country(NZ, duh).

On the map looking thing, beside my explanation. Is the New Zealand map. As you can see, there are three way points pointed on the map. One is a circle, that has a star in the middle, and it’s red. That’s the school I attend (Edmund Hillary school). The one being blue is Glenn Inns School, and the green one all the way down to the south island of New Zealand (which I think is really cool), is Paroa school (Greymouth).  If you’re wondering how I did the map, I did it on My maps.


Glenn Inns School, and Paroa school (Greymouth!!), are the two communities that are to comment on my class(room 9’s) blog.

We are all year 6 – 7 – 8.

(Edmund Hillary school—>) Our job is to comment back on their blogs.


Hope you liked my blog.

PEACE✌, God bless you’s 🫶